Sunday, June 10, 2007

Literary Links

The reviews are overwhelmingly positive for Ian McEwen's On Chesil Beach.,0,5719141.storycoll=labooksheadlines
Read the first chapter of On Chesil Beach here:

The Globe & Mail says that Barry Callaghan's latest collection of short stories, Between Trains, is the work of a master at full stretch.

The Star's Phil Marchand speculates on why Callaghan, despite his long and distinguished career, remains curiously neglected in literary culture.

Janin Armin is impressed with the way in which Anne Stone, in her third novel, Delible, traverses the magical, yet difficult, territory of young girls.

Patricia Robertson says that the stories in Sarah Klassen's latest collection, A Feast of Longing, possess a perfect balance between light and shadow that few Canuck writers have mastered.

Jim Bartley, First Fiction reviewer for the Globe and Mail, suggests that the big risk and great strength of Andrew Wedderburn's début novel, The Milk Chicken Bomb, is in what the author doesn't say.

Opinion maven Heather Mallick says that Linda McQuaig, author of Holding the Bully's Coat: Canada and the US Empire, is a model for Canadian journalists.
Read a review of McQuaig's book in the Montreal Gazette:

In her review of Marianne Wiggins' latest book, The Shadow Catcher, Jane Smiley declares Wiggins one of our most adventuresome and enterprising novelist.,0,2981462.story?coll=la-books-center

The New York Times calls Cindy Brown Austin's By the Rivers of Babylon a potboiler rich in characters and urban detail that is learned first-hand.

Derek Weiler writing in The Star says that Miranda July's début collection of short stories, No One Belongs Here More Than You, shows care and talent, and at its best will leave readers both laughing and brooding.

Of the prolific Joyce Carol Oates' latest novel, The Gravedigger's Daughter, The New York Times says there is much to admire in this bittersweet tale of one woman's triumph of will.

Janet Maslin writing for The New York Times says that although Danielle Ganek's début novel, Lulu Meets God and Doubts Him, set in the New York's trendy art scene, is a genre novel, it's better than most.
T. Paul Ste. Marie, a well-known and loved Vancouver performer, promoter and poet, has passed away at the age of 41.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Digested Reads

Update to Currently Reading (From May 12th)

Art Since 1900 -Hal Foster,Rosalind Krauss, Yve-Alain Bois, Benjamin H.D Buchloh:
Almost unreadable-but why? It's not that Foster &co have an academic agenda nor is it that it's a fairly obscurist view of modern art that will deter all but those majoring in the subject, no, my quibble with this text is that the authors consistently impute more spatial ability to their readers than is reasonable. From separating text from object, on to introduction of concepts in a non linear progression and through on to my favorite gambit- describing the impact of a certain art work from a given point of view BUT NOT ACTUALLY SUPPLYING A PHOTO FROM THAT ANGLE! Apparently, if you can't rotate objects three dimensionally in space, Mssrs. Foster etc don't want you reading their opinionated little text. Fine. Then don't. There are several dozen better books on the subject...

Yiddish Policeman's Union - Michael Chabon:
Weirdly compelling, even though I normally dislike his sort of naif storytelling but give me a Yiddish noir about an alternate time line where the Jews got Alaska instead of Israel and I'm like iron filings to the true magnetic north. Still can't decide if I liked it though. How strange is that?

Mcsweeney's 22 - Dave Eggers et al:
Pretty Pretty. Could do without the poems though, but that's just me. Otherwise, if you know McSweeneys, been introduced and done the dance already, you'll like it just fine. If not, I recommend # 13 ('the comics one', edited by Chris Ware) as a good place to start.

Raymond Chandler's Playback: A Graphic Novel -Ted Benoit & Francois Ayroles
Rediscovered screenplay that has been re-imagined visually in a blocky, yet somehow satisfying fashion by some french guys. And it's set in Vancouver! Am now intensely curious to know how much of the visuals are based on the actual architecture of the time. If anyone knows anything, please tell me!

Against the Day - Thomas Pynchon:
Still. Working. On.It. (Got about 400 pages in and then got waylaid. I'll be back though, I promise!)

In Defense of Atheism - Michel Onfray:
Interesting. French. Another take on the recently developing genre of loud'n'proud anti-religious tracts (And yes, I use that word advisedly)

God is Not Great - Christopher Hitchens:
This book's getting a stand alone review later in the week since I find I have so much to say about it.

Armadale -Wilkie Collins:
Type too small, fiendish book resists me every time I try to open it. Note to self, stop buying 50 year old paperbacks with 'hooky' fonts, you know you won't read them.

Good Omens Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman:
A delight and a hysteria, satisfying to fans of either/both.

Steep Approach to Garbadale -Ian Banks:
Disappointing and somewhat predictable. His output has been less than spectacular the last few outings but I'm ever willing to concede that even at his worst, he's still better than most. (See The Wasp Factory for a baseline comparison)

Flight -Sherman Alexie:
I have followed Sherman Alexie's work for years, he's a really interesting guy and I respect him a lot but unless this is a mislabelled Young Adult title, he somehow lost the plot with this one.
It reads like an after school special and I can't fathom why he plunged across the line he's always walked between writing fiction about First Nations that defies stereotypes (good & bad) and exhibiting a nuanced sense of humor, into the land of feel-good pablum.
Hmm, oh well, there's always the next one...

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Canadian BestSeller List for this week

Top Hardcover Fiction
1. Divisadero (Michael Ondaatje); $CDN 34.99; McCle; 9780771068720
2. The Children of Hurin (.R.R. Tolkien & Christopher Tolkien); $CDN 34.95; Harpe; 9780007246229
3. The Good Husband of Zebra Drive (Alexander Mccall Smith); $CDN 29.95; Knopf; 9780676976267
4. On Chesil Beach (Ian McEwan); $CDN 27; Knopf; 9780676978810
5. Shopaholic & Baby (Sophie Kinsella); $CDN 30; Dial; 9780385338707
6. The Yiddish Policeman's Union (Michael Chabon); $CDN 33.95; Harpe; 9780007149827
7. For One More Day (Mitch Albom); $CDN 26.95; Hyperion; 9781401303273
8. Nineteen Minutes (Jodi Picoult); $CDN 29.99; Atria; 9780743496728
9. The End of the Alphabet (CS Richardson); $CDN 25.00; Doubleday; 9780385663403
10. Rant: The Oral History of Buster Casey (Chuck Palahniuk); $CDN $32.95; Doubl; 9780385663496

Top Paperback Fiction
1. Suite Francaise (Irene Nemirovsky); $CDN 22; Knopf; 9780676977714
2. The Road (Cormac McCarthy); $CDN 21; Vinta; 9780307387899
3. The Birth House (Ami McKay); $CDN 22; Vintage; 9780676977738
4. The Memory Keeper's Daughter (Kim Edwards); $CDN 18.50; Pengu; 9780143037149
5. Lullabies for Little Criminals (Heather O'Neill); $CDN 17.50; Harpe; 9780060875077
6. Bloodletting & Miraculous Cures (Vincent Lam); $CDN 17.95; Ancho; 9780385661447
7. Gone (Jonathan Kellerman ); $CDN 10.99; Rando; 9780345452627
8. At Risk (Patricia Cornwell); $CDN 10.99; Berkl; 9780425214763
9. Water for Elephants (Sara Gruen); $CDN 17.95; Harpe; 9780006391555
10. The Husband (Dean Koontz); $CDN 10.99; Banta; 9780553589092

Top Canadiana
1. The Golden Spruce: A True Story of Myth, Madness and Greed (John Vaillant); $CDN 21; Vintage; 9780676976465
2. The 100-Mile Diet: A Year of Local Eating (lisa Smith & J.B. MacKinnon); $CDN 32.95; Rando; 9780679314820
3. Holding the Bully's Coat: Canada & the U.S. Empire (Linda Mcquaig); $CDN 34.95; Doubl; 9780385660129
4. Ecoholic: When You're Addicted to the Planet (Adria Vasil); $CDN 24.95; Rando; 9780679314844
5. A Field Guide to the Identification of Pebbles (Eileen Van der Flier-Keller); $CDN 7.95; Harbo; 9781550173956
6. Only in Canada, You Say: A Treasury of Canadian Language (Katherine Barber); $CDN 24.95; Oxfor; 9780195427073
7. Beyond the Horizon (Colin Angus); $CDN 29.95; Doubl; 9780385661232
8. The Volunteer: A Canadian's Secret Life in the Mossad (Jonathan Kay ); $CDN 32.99; McCle; 9780771017407
9. Wiped: Life with a Pint-Sized Dictator (Rebecca Eckler); $CDN 22.95; KeyPo; 9781552638279
10. The Brain That Changes Itself (Norman Doidge); $CDN 31; Vikin; 9780670038305

Top Kids Canadian
1. Love You Forever (Robert Munsch); $CDN 4.95; Firefly; 9780920668375
2. Paper Bag Princess (Robert Munsch); $CDN 5.95; Annick; 9780920236161
3. No Clean Clothes (Robert Munsch); $CDN 6.99; Scholastic; 9780439937900
4. Scaredy Squirrel Makes a Friend (Melanie Watt); $CDN 16.95; Kids; 9781554531813
5. Class Clown (Robert Munsch & Michael Martchenko); $CDN 6.99; Scholastic; 9780439935944
6. Alligator Baby (Robert Munsch ); $CDN 6.99; SCHOL; 9780590123877
7. Aunts Come Marching (Bill Richardson); $CDN 19.95; Rainc; 9781551929903
8. Breadwinner (Deborah Ellis); $CDN 8.95; GROUN; 9780888994165
9. Smelly Socks (Robert Munsch); $CDN 6.99; SCHOL; 9780439967075
10. Red is Best (Kathy Stinson); $CDN 6.95; Annic; 9781554510511

Top Canadian Fiction
1. Divisadero (Michael Ondaatje); $CDN 34.99; McCle; 9780771068720
2. The Birth House (Ami McKay); $CDN 22; Vinta; 9780676977738
3. Lullabies for Little Criminals (Heather O'Neill); $CDN 17.50; Harpe; 9780060875077
4. Bloodletting & Miraculous Cures (Vincent Lam); $CDN 17.95; Ancho; 9780385661447
5. Away From Her (Alice Munro); $CDN 13.50; Pengu; 9780143055389
6. By the Time You Read This (Giles Blunt); $CDN 19.95; Rando; 9780679315001
7. The Girls (Lori Lansens); $CDN 21; Vintage; 9780676977967
8. Three Day Road (Joseph Boyden); $CDN 22; Pengu; 9780143017868
9. Sweetness in the Belly (Camilla Gibb); $CDN 21; Ancho; 9780385660181
10. The Song of Kahunsha (Anosh Irani); $CDN 19.95; Ancho; 9780385662291

Vancouver Literary Events This Week

Canadian storyteller and children's author Nan Gregory is the featured presenter. May 22, 7-9 pm, Shebeen (217 Carrall). Tix $15 (includes dinner), info

Join us for a special opportunity to meet our One Book, One Vancouver author, Ruth Ozeki, and talk about her book, My Year of Meats, at several lively book discussions groups held at library branches across the city.
Tuesday, May 22 at 7:30pm, free, Alice MacKay Room, Central Library, 350 West Georgia Street.
Wednesday, May 23 at 1:45 pm-3:00 pm, free, registration required, Kerrisdale Branch (2112 West 42nd Avenue).
Wednesday, May 23 at 7:00-8:30pm, free, registration required, Firehall Branch (1455 West 10th Ave.).

Author reads from his newest book of humorous short stories, Tuckahoe Slidebottle. Wednesday, May 23, 7-8 pm, free admission. Richmond Public Library Brighouse branch (7700 Minoru Gate).

Reads from her new poetry collection, Suddenly, So Much. Sandy Shreve's work has won the Earle Birney Prize for Poetry and has been shortlisted for the Milton Acorn People's Poetry Award and the National Magazine Awards. Thursday, May 24 at 7:30pm. Peter Kaye Room, Lower Level, Central Library, 350 West Georgia Street. For more information please contact Vancouver Public Library at 604-331-3603.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Currently Reading

Art Since 1900 -Hal Foster,Rosalind Krauss, Yve-Alain Bois, Benjamin H.D Buchloh
Yiddish Policeman's Union - Michael Chabon
Mcsweeney's 22 - Dave Eggers et al
Raymond Chandler's Playback: A Graphic Novel -Ted Benoit & Francois Ayroles
Against the Day - Thomas Pynchon
In Defense of Atheism - Michel Onfray
God is Not Great - Christopher Hitchens
Armadale -Wilkie Collins
Good Omens Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman
Steep Approach to Garbadale -Ian Banks
Flight -Sherman Alexie
These are the rules:
I will post reviews for some but not all (how much time do you think I have?!) of these and future reads.
If you want a review of ANY title I've read, just ask and I'll do my best to accommodate.
Please note, the opinions expressed are those of a cranky bookworm, with decided ideas about literature that in no way reflect on any one's taste or ability- So if you love it (or wrote it!) what I write should in no way negate what you drew from the experience, a'aight?

Vancouver Literary Events This Week

Juri Peepre presents Three Rivers: The Yukon's Great Boreal Wilderness. Packed with photography, art and writings by such notables as Courtney Milne, Margaret Atwood and John Ralston Saul, this sumptuous volume offers an unforgettable tour of a natural wonderland. Monday, May 14 at 7:00pm. Vancouver Public Libary, Central Library, 350 West Georgia Street. Info:

Alisa Smith and J.B. MacKinnon chronicle their attempt to feed themselves for a year on food grown and produced within 100 miles of Vancouver. Monday, May 14 , 7:30 - 9:00 PM, UBC Robson Square, 800 Robson Street, Vancouver. Admission is free but please pre-register at or by phoning 604-827-3491.

Book artist and bookbinder, Briony-Morrow Cribbs, will give an illustrated talk on the production of Iskandariya: A Prose Poem by Brigit Pegeen Kelly. Monday, May 14 at 7:30pm. Peter Kaye Room, Lower Level, Central Library, 350 West Georgia Street. For more information please contact Vancouver Public Library at 604-331-3603.

Join Red Land, Yellow River author Ange Zhang for his autobiographical account of growing up in China during the Cultural Revolution. Suitable for ages 10 and up. Tuesday, May 15 at 10:15am. Terry Fox Library (2470 Mary Hill Road), Port Coquitlam. Info: 604.927.7999.

32 Books Co. Inc. present the author reading from her new literary novel The Reddening Path. Wednesday, May 16 at 7:00pm, free admission and refreshments will be served. 32 Books Co, 3185 Edgemont Blvd., North Vancouver. More information at 604.980.9032 or

Author celebrates the launch of her first novel, Paper Trail, with a reading and signing. Wednesday, May 16, 7:30 pm, People's Co-op Bookstore (1391 Commercial). Free admission, info 604-253-6442.

Pulp Fiction Books presents
An Evening With Clint Burnham and Stuart Ross
Wednesday 16 May 2007, 7-9pm
2422 Main Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Admission free. Everyone is welcome to attend.
(Co-presented by Anvil Press)

Talks about his book Darwin, Divinity, and the Dance of the Cosmos, an ecological and truly evolutionary Christian theology. Thursday, May 17 at 7:30pm. Alice MacKay Room, Lower Level, Central Library, 350 West Georgia Street. For more information please contact Vancouver Public Library at 604-331-3603. Sponsored by Banyen Books

Readings by Meredith Quartermain, Hiromi Goto, Dorothy Trujillo Lusk, and Fred Booker. Thursday, May 17, 7:30 pm, Coach House, Green College (6201 Cecil Green Park Rd., UBC). Info 604-734-2928.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Canadian BestSeller List for this week

Courtesy of Book Warehouse

Top Hardcover Fiction
1. Divisadero (Michael Ondaatje); $CDN 34.99; McCle; 9780771068720
2. The Children of Hurin (.R.R. Tolkien & Christopher Tolkien); $CDN 34.95; Harpe; 9780007246229
3. The Good Husband of Zebra Drive (Alexander Mccall Smith); $CDN 29.95; Knopf; 9780676976267
4. On Chesil Beach (Ian McEwan); $CDN 27; Knopf; 9780676978810
5. Shopaholic & Baby (Sophie Kinsella); $CDN 30; Dial; 9780385338707
6. The Yiddish Policeman's Union (Michael Chabon); $CDN 33.95; Harpe; 9780007149827
7. For One More Day (Mitch Albom); $CDN 26.95; Hyperion; 9781401303273
8. Nineteen Minutes (Jodi Picoult); $CDN 29.99; Atria; 9780743496728
9. The End of the Alphabet (CS Richardson); $CDN 25.00; Doubleday; 9780385663403
10. 300 (Frank Miller & Lynn Varley); $CDN 37; DarkH; 9781569714027

Top Paperback Fiction
1. Suite Francaise (Irene Nemirovsky); $CDN 22; Knopf; 9780676977714
2. The Road (Cormac McCarthy); $CDN 21; Vinta; 9780307387899
3. The Birth House (Ami McKay); $CDN 22; Vintage; 9780676977738
4. The Memory Keeper's Daughter (Kim Edwards); $CDN 18.50; Pengu; 9780143037149
5. Lullabies for Little Criminals (Heather O'Neill); $CDN 17.50; Harpe; 9780060875077
6. Bloodletting & Miraculous Cures (Vincent Lam); $CDN 17.95; Ancho; 9780385661447
7. Gone (Jonathan Kellerman ); $CDN 10.99; Rando; 9780345452627
8. At Risk (Patricia Cornwell); $CDN 10.99; Berkl; 9780425214763
9. Water for Elephants (Sara Gruen); $CDN 17.95; Harpe; 9780006391555
10. The Kite Runner (Khaled Hosseini); $CDN 21; Ancho; 9780385660075

Top Canadiana
1. The Golden Spruce: A True Story of Myth, Madness and Greed (John Vaillant); $CDN 21; Vintage; 9780676976465
2. The 100-Mile Diet: A Year of Local Eating (lisa Smith & J.B. MacKinnon); $CDN 32.95; Rando; 9780679314820
3. Holding the Bully's Coat: Canada & the U.S. Empire (Linda Mcquaig); $CDN 34.95; Doubl; 9780385660129
4. Ecoholic: When You're Addicted to the Planet (Adria Vasil); $CDN 24.95; Rando; 9780679314844
5. A Field Guide to the Identification of Pebbles (Eileen Van der Flier-Keller); $CDN 7.95; Harbo; 9781550173956
6. Only in Canada, You Say: A Treasury of Canadian Language (Katherine Barber); $CDN 24.95; Oxfor; 9780195427073
7. Beyond the Horizon (Colin Angus); $CDN 29.95; Doubl; 9780385661232
8. The Volunteer: A Canadian's Secret Life in the Mossad (Jonathan Kay ); $CDN 32.99; McCle; 9780771017407
9. Wiped: Life with a Pint-Sized Dictator (Rebecca Eckler); $CDN 22.95; KeyPo; 9781552638279
10. Let the Dog Decide (Dale Stavroff); $CDN 22.95; Harpe; 9780006384779

Top Kids Canadian
1. Love You Forever (Robert Munsch); $CDN 4.95; Firefly; 9780920668375
2. Paper Bag Princess (Robert Munsch); $CDN 5.95; Annick; 9780920236161
3. No Clean Clothes (Robert Munsch); $CDN 6.99; Scholastic; 9780439937900
4. Scaredy Squirrel Makes a Friend (Melanie Watt); $CDN 16.95; Kids; 9781554531813
5. Class Clown (Robert Munsch & Michael Martchenko); $CDN 6.99; Scholastic; 9780439935944
6. Alligator Baby (Robert Munsch ); $CDN 6.99; SCHOL; 9780590123877
7. Aunts Come Marching (Bill Richardson); $CDN 19.95; Rainc; 9781551929903
8. Breadwinner (Deborah Ellis); $CDN 8.95; GROUN; 9780888994165
9. Smelly Socks (Robert Munsch); $CDN 6.99; SCHOL; 9780439967075
10. Red is Best (Kathy Stinson); $CDN 6.95; Annic; 9781554510511

Top Canadian Fiction
1. Divisadero (Michael Ondaatje); $CDN 34.99; McCle; 9780771068720
2. The Birth House (Ami McKay); $CDN 22; Vinta; 9780676977738
3. Lullabies for Little Criminals (Heather O'Neill); $CDN 17.50; Harpe; 9780060875077
4. Bloodletting & Miraculous Cures (Vincent Lam); $CDN 17.95; Ancho; 9780385661447
5. Away From Her (Alice Munro); $CDN 13.50; Pengu; 9780143055389
6. By the Time You Read This (Giles Blunt); $CDN 19.95; Rando; 9780679315001
7. Three Day Road (Joseph Boyden); $CDN 22; Pengu; 9780143017868
8. The Girls (Lori Lansens); $CDN 21; Vintage; 9780676977967
9. Sweetness in the Belly (Camilla Gibb); $CDN 21; Ancho; 9780385660181
10. The Song of Kahunsha (Anosh Irani); $CDN 19.95; Ancho; 9780385662291